Breaking Out of the Frame is a webcam-based, crowd-driven game developed as part of the Generation ZX(X) project which aimed to explore how video games and performance can enhance and complement one another and enliven different types of historical data: oral herstories, lived experience, collective memory and audio-video archives with focus on the living memory and heritage of the Timex factory in Dundee.
Breaking Out of the Frame was originally showcased at an event held in Camperdown Park and the grounds of the JTC Furniture Company on May 4th 2018 and again on the 15th of September that same year during the opening ceremony weekend of Dundee's V&A.
The event was developed as part of Mona Bozdog’s SGSAH ARCS (Applied Research Collaborative Studentship) PhD - Playing with Performance/ Performing Play. Creating hybrid experiences at the fringes of video games and performance.
My role within this project was to develop 2D assets depicting a visual comic of the story of Dundee's history and it's pivotal role within the UK's gaming industry.
Role: Artist
For: Mona Bozdog
Game Engine: Unity
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